Originally posted on The Saturday Evening Post Unless you have been living on another planet these past few weeks, you have been deluged with daily updates about the new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, the seventh member of the family of coronaviruses that infect humans. The...
Originally posted on The Saturday Evening Post In my last column I wrote about the benefits of intermittent fasting that shifted the body’s metabolism to burn ketones instead of glucose. Repeated fasting resulted — in addition to weight loss — in lasting adaptive...
Originally posted on The Saturday Evening Post I usually have a banana or yogurt and coffee for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and eat dinner around 7 p.m., so the longest I go in between eating is six or eight hours. Many religions, including Buddhism,...
Originally posted on The Saturday Evening Post Getting a proper amount of sleep is important for maintaining good health. I sometimes have trouble sleeping, probably from that second glass of red wine at dinner and coffee afterwards. I usually fall asleep rapidly and...
Originally posted on The Saturday Evening Post Six months of the year I live in a small town called Carmel, just north of Indianapolis, Indiana, and spend the other six months in another small community called Bonita Springs, 25 miles north of Naples, Florida. Being...
Originally posted on The Saturday Evening Post I just returned from Churchill, Canada to photograph polar bears before they dispersed to hunt seals on the rapidly forming sea ice. Our group comprised 16 adults. We ate breakfast together, and I was struck by how many...
Having published hundreds of medical papers and books, Doug Zipes has turned his hand to writing fiction. The Black Widows was published in 2011, Ripples in Opperman’s Pond in 2013 and Not Just a Game hit the shelves in early 2016. In 2018 Doug also published his memoir, Damn The Naysayers and 2019 saw Bear’s Promise, Doug’s latest novel hit the shelves.